Sunday, April 11, 2010

Humanity Reaching Inhumane Levels:

Black Eyed Peas rightly came up with the song "Where Is The Love?". Sometimes it is so hard to believe that human beings are so caught up in their lives that considering another human being for what he is, has become a rarity on this so called brotherly love filled planet.

I have heard of my friends talk about Man-Elephant conflicts, ManVsWilderness conflicts, but Man turning enemy to man is something unbelievable! You might think that I am talking about Hindu-Muslim Riots or BJP-Congress Fights or The Female-Male Ego Clashes, but NO!!What we are dealing with here, are a bunch of cold-blooded, self involved species of homo sapiens! Or are these the homo homo sapiens that zoology books refer to as The New Beings??? Whichever it might be, I hate this evolution.

Case: Chennai is a bad place to be travelling in, during the hottest months of summer. Humidity and the piercing sun are the two things that can make anyone want to reach their destination ASAP( as the corporates call As Soon As Possible). I was in my cab, travelling to office on a bright Friday morning. Fridays are great days to go to work, since there is always a weekend to look forward to. I was in an animated conversation with my friend about the plans that we had made for the weekend, while suddenly at a distance at the signal I saw a small crowd on the side of the road, I knew that it could not be anything good.

Soon my cab crossed the crowd and I saw a man lying there on his face in a pool of blood, unconsciously fighting for life! I noticed that, all that the people around him had done is just make a phone call for an ambulance( this I realised later, because I saw the ambulance near my office after 15 minutes) and then carried on with their lives by walking here and there , while the partially deceased body(I assume the ambulance was mighty late) occupied the footpath built on the side of the road for people to walk on. My cab was at about 60 km/hr and the first thing that struck my mind was if I must jump off along with the first aid kit too, but I threw that idea off my mind because I did not want people in my office to call me an "Attention Seeker".

While I threw the idea off my mind, I also accompanied it with a silent prayer for his survival. What I could do as a helpless, newly employed 22 year old, I did. I called the hospital whose name I had read across the ambulance and asked them if the man had survived. They said that he lost 2 units of blood but he would survive. Google is god, because if not for google I would have not rested in peace, nor would I have enjoyed my girlie weekend that followed. Google is still god because , if god did exist , he would not allow such evil beings to evolve from such warm, loving humans. I am no atheist, but I am a nut. I sometimes get angry with the divine creature who terms himself GOD!!

How can mankind be man"KIND" if he feels no kindness to at the least to his fellow beings??? I would be willing to just about hear any justification where people say "Hurting trees, plants and animals is something we will never know about, since they have no means of expressing themselves to us", but what excuse can one give to ignore human beings? If today, one cannot be confident of help from fellow citizens during life or death situations, how can anyone expect to shower brotherly love on each other? I am no saint and I know that I might die on the road tomorrow while people go past my partially dead body ,happily chatting on their mobile phones and I will continue to fight for life till my body gives up.

Why not be selfish in THIS WAY(Considering the fact that the newly evolved homo homo sapiens have cold blood running through their circulatory system!) : CHANGE PERSPECTIVES. Continue to be selfish in a different way. This is my last resort to put some sense into the New Beings. Imagine you or the ones you love the most, lying on the road fighting "The Grim Reaper" , while having a dozen onlookers waiting for miracles to happen rather than them running to the nearest medical shop and grabbing first aid equipment and at least trying harder rather than just waiting and watching.

When one sees their loved ones in that place, miracles might happen. The person lying there helpless, is obviously somebodies son/daughter, husband/wife, brother/sister, girlfriend/boyfriend or surely somebodies best friend. Let us change a little! I could have done what my heart said the other day, worst case I might have got a lot of unnecessary attention and won a few hearts in the process but I surely would have been happier with myself! Next time grab your medi kits and make a change, life is too short. Remember that, you have that one chance to give someone some more life than they might have had without you! Make your short life well used and give their almost too short a life, a new beginning!!


  1. "but I threw that idea off my mind because I did not want people in my office to call me an "Attention Seeker" -- Does not having this tag worth more than someone's life?

    "I called the hospital whose name I had read across the ambulance and asked them if the man had survived" - I am definitely impressed with this - Good job.

    "They said that he lost 2 units of blood but he would survive" - What did you do for this?

    Just a practical question: What would you have done if you were walking on the road when this incident happened?

    I am not criticizing you, but in general, we can easily point out mistakes about others by observing as a third person. A simple example: You did a mistake some years back, now you realize it and say - ah, I wish I could have done that. This realization is something you would have observed as a third person.

    In our case, even I don't know what I would have done if I were you.

    Do not want to take the credit away from you for this post - Nice, well written!!

    I am ending this with the quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world". This applies to me as well!!

  2. Lot many questions there but as one wise man said ... "the answer my friend is blowing in the wind" one just knows it and doesnt wanna accept and the answer keeps blowing in the wind

  3. Yes I understand the perspectives of the third party people standing on the pavement watching the chaos but if I were on the road walking I would have 100% helped. Not because I want to impress people but because I have seen my father in that place and wouldn't want any daughter to go through the pain I felt. Thank god that I was around. He was attended to. I escaped with just a few bruises!
