Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Knocking doors:

Somebody from my past walked back right into my life. I knocked his doors. No ego, no fear, no venom spewed in the first conversation that we had, though it has been 3.5 years since we even exchanged salutations! It ended years back because of someone who was very very important to me then. Life is weird. I regret some choices that I have made in the past!

I never realized that I had options around me. Options that I eliminated on practical grounds. How far has my self proclaimed practicality brought me? Nowhere! I am just a wounded, crippled and quietened soul. I let people trample all over me in the name of love and I let them choose my life for me. Today I know how wrong I was! I should have let love take it own course, irrespective of religion, age and practicality.

What was in front of me then I looked away from and today what I look up to has turned its back on me. I am still trying to pick up my pieces and make my life what I always wanted it to be. In the process I am also making myself who I always wanted to be.

The beautiful conversation that I had now left me speechless. Somethings just don't change. We picked up from where we had left it years back. A refreshing feeling indeed!! I am knocking doors around me,frantically trying to find things that comfort me...eternal peace is all want! Why is it so difficult? Bubbles keep breaking all around me. Are my dreams so unreal or is this the "destiny" I once befriended? Is this why people drink, smoke or smoke up? Do I want to know the answer?!!!

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